365 days a year, we devote ourselves to generating results in our accountant coaching program, the Create Your Dream Firm program. But just once a year, we review our yearend statistics to highlight the most significant wins that should be celebrated and to examine where we can improve.  Our success lies in the strengths of our team and our clients’ success. How do you think our numbers stack up? 

41 Custom Client Websites


Our team created 41 custom, branded websites to help our clients create the ideal first impressions. An easy-to-use, professional-looking website confirms your position as an expert and makes it easier for prospective clients to find you and schedule an appointment. How does your website look?

756 5-Star Reviews For Our Clients

accountant coaching program results

As part of building up our clients’ online presence, we also enact a review generation campaign for their accounting firms. 5-star reviews give prospective clients insight into your services & reliability from a trusted source. How many 5-star reviews does your accounting firm have?

31,959 New Network Connections

Our team devotes several hours each week to expanding the social media networks of our clients. But, we don’t develop connections with just anyone. We focus on niche-specific connections to establish relationships with other industry professionals and potential clients. Are you using social media to your advantage?

1,511 New Appointments

accountant coaching results

The DreamFirms lead generation team contacted, vetted, and booked 1,511 new appointments for our Dream Firm Leaders with prospective, niche-specific clients. No ad spend, no complicated social strategy, just calendars full of appointments with their niche clients. When was the last time your calendar was full of prospective client appointments outside of tax season?

$83,450 In New Revenue

revenue accounting coaching program

We don’t just promise results, we deliver them… On average, clients who spend a year in the Create Your Dream Firm program add $83,450 of new revenue to their accounting firms. And, they’re able to do this without spending money on paid advertising and without relying on referrals. Are you wasting money on paid ads with no results? 

$5.6 Million Total Revenue

There’s not much else to be said about this stat… the total new revenue our clients add after a year is $5.6 million. Together, with our help, our clients elevated their accounting firms and bolstered their clientele with dream clients. We provide the step-by-step guidance, the community, and the coaching inside the Create Your Dream Firm program, but only the firm owners can build their dream firms. Are you running your dream accounting firm?

The Other Numbers Behind DreamFirms…


If you want to watch a video reviewing ALL of our yearend statistics, check out the one above. But, know that there are wins we can’t measure. We can’t put a number on how many more hours our clients were able to spend with their friends and family. And we can’t quantify the satisfaction of a less stressful tax season or the ability to work ONLY with clients you want to work with. But, these are benefits of our accountant coaching program nonetheless. If you’re ready to be a dream accounting firm owner in 2023: