accounting firm owner lisa
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Lisa G. Before Dream Firms…

Rewind a couple of years…. Lisa Gering, the owner of CFO Forward Accounting Firm, is facing an overwhelming workload. Despite a few employees, the absence of an accounting manager led to inefficiencies and a lack of work-life balance. Lisa’s dedication to the QuickBooks Advisor program highlighted her commitment to excellence but added to her stress due to the challenging nature of the tests. Lisa’s accounting firm was no where near becoming her dream accounting firm. Despite a strong spirit, she was starting to falter. 

Enter Dream Firms….

Needing a partner to strategically collaborating with, Lisa turned to us, Dream Firms. Together, we aimed to alleviate Lisa’s workload and enhance overall firm efficiency. Our end goal was to significantly reducing Lisa’s workload and stress levels, while inreasing her revenue. Not to spoil anything, but we did all that and then some… The collaboration between Lisa’s firm and Dream Firms led to transformative outcomes. Lisa gained a healthier work-life balance, secured high-value niche clients, and increased profitability. How? Because we hooked her up with innovate operational restructuring and technological integrations to improve efficiency and productivity within her firm.

Ultimately, the partnership between CFO Forward Accounting Firm and Dream Firms catalyzed a remarkable transformation, shifting the company from an overworked, stressed business to a more efficient, profitable, and balanced entity. Through strategic collaboration and tailored support, Dream Firms empowered Lisa Gering to realize her dream of a successful accounting firm.

Strategic Interventions

One day after the April tax deadline, Lisa joined the Create Your Dream Firm program. Her journey started with the dreaded “niche selection,” But those misgivings about narrowing down her clientele wouldn’t last long (hint, hint this is foreshadowing). From there Lisa dove headfirst into our 5-star program, and her dream accounting firm was born. 

“I had 20 clients in about 16 different industries and you talk about crazy trying to learn all these industries “

With a new niche , Lisa was ready to put the Dream Firms team to work. We immediately implemented our own lead generation strategy, which significantly bolstered Lisa’s firm. Our proprietary software,,  facilitated an influx of leads, specifically tailored to her niche in the beverage industry. 

This resulted in increased business opportunities, with potential clients eager to engage with her services at rates significantly higher than her standard billing. These strategic leads, coupled with the expert guidance from the Dream Firms team in client acquisition, enabled Lisa to secure high-value clients within her niche, allowing for increased profitability and reduced dependence on price-sensitive customers.

The paradigm shift in Lisa’s approach to client acquisition and engagement resulted in notable achievements for CFO Forward Accounting Firm. Within just two months, she added five new annual clients, a feat previously considered challenging during the summertime in her decade-long experience. This addition translated to a remarkable $45,000 increase in billing, revitalizing the firm’s revenue trajectory and allowing for sustained business growth. Her firm’s billing saw a significant uplift, further reinstating the financial stability of the business and allowing Lisa to balance her professional commitments while enjoying personal time.

“And speaking of leads, I get lots of leads and phone calls because of… And they wanna talk to me in my industry (niche clients)… and they wanna talk to me and they’re easy to sell and his team helps me get those. “

An Upgrade for CFO Forward

In addition to the multifaceted support provided by the Dream Firms team, Lisa also benefitted from a new website for CFO Forward Accounting. Recognizing the significance of a strong online presence in today’s digital landscape, Dream Firms orchestrated the development of a modern, user-friendly website tailored specifically to Lisa’s business needs and niche. This strategic move aimed at enhancing the firm’s visibility and credibility within the competitive accounting industry.

A website serves as a digital storefront, an essential platform for establishing brand identity, showcasing services, and attracting potential clients. For an accounting firm like CFO Forward Accounting, having a well-designed website is pivotal—it acts as a 24/7 gateway for clients to access essential information, learn about tailored accounting solutions, and ultimately engage with the firm’s expertise.

Lisa’s newly revamped website not only expanded the firm’s online footprint but also facilitated increased traffic client inquiries, and played a crucial role in attracting and converting high-value niche clients.

“My website that Dream Firms created for me is awesome. I get so many compliments on it. It’s so much, I didn’t expect to change so much internally and have such a better life.”

Additionally, the user-friendly interface encouraged satisfied clients to leave 18 NEW 5-star reviews, fostering a positive online reputation and further solidifying the firm’s credibility in the industry. This digital transformation underscored the instrumental role that a well-crafted website plays in reshaping the success and growth of a modern accounting firm, not only in attracting clients but also in generating positive testimonials.

A Dream Team For Lisa’s Dream Firm

One of the most remarkable transformations stemmed from the innovative hiring methods introduced by Dream Firms. Lisa adopted a unique, efficient approach to recruitment, leveraging smart and unconventional hiring strategies. With the guidance of Tyler and the Dream Firms team, Lisa crafted an ad that attracted numerous qualified responses for the role of accounting manager. This method saved her time and efforts in the hiring process, allowing her to swiftly identify and interview a standout candidate, streamlining the otherwise time-consuming recruitment process.

The addition of a competent accounting manager not only lightened Lisa’s responsibilities but also streamlined operations, fostering enhanced efficiency and productivity within the firm. The strategic recruitment and addition of capable team members not only improved the overall work environment but also allowed Lisa to focus on higher-value tasks, such as engaging with dream clients and spearheading the firm’s growth strategies

The Transformative Power of The Create Your Dream Firm Program

“I would recommend it (The Create Your Dream Firm Program) to any accounting firm leader who wants to sell for higher prices and work less, have a better life and to have a great team and not have it be such a pain to find people and keep them.”

To sum it all up, the partnership between Lisa Gering and Dream Firms & the Create Your Dream Firm Program, has truly been a game-changer. It’s not just a success story; it’s a testament to how innovative strategies and personalized support can reshape the destiny of an accounting firm. The hands-on, practical guidance has empowered Lisa to witness unprecedented growth, profitability, and, most importantly, a better work-life balance.

Lisa’s story not only showcases the transformative potential of any accounting business but also offers a spark of hope for fellow firm owners striving for a similar evolution. It’s not just about numbers—it’s about nurturing a dream and turning it into a thriving reality. The impactful strategies, like website revamping, strategic talent acquisition, and client base refinement, have reshaped the landscape of CFO Forward Accounting. It’s an ode to the power of tailored support and strategic collaboration in creating the dream firm Lisa envisioned. Your dream accounting firm isn’t just achievable; it’s within reach. 

Ready to take ahold of your dream accounting firm?

Book Your Discovery Call For The Create Your Dream Firm Program

Getting Started is easier than you think… Marketing for accounting firms can begin with just a single post. And believe it or not, there’s a ton of low-hanging fruit for you to go after.  You probably already have things to post about (you definitely do). Here are 5 examples of potential social media posts for accounting firms.

Everybody has to start somewhere, even if that somewhere is 0. You’d be surprised how quickly you’ll gain followers just by seeking out and interacting with similar content. If you see another business or professional posting content you’re interested in, follow them and reach out letting them know you liked it. And just keep posting… It’s okay to get 0 likes on your posts. If you don’t start putting your firm out there, there will never be any reason for people to follow you.

the best AI accounting software

We have yet another time saver on our hands… Planful is an AI accounting software that aids in planning, reporting, and analysis. Similar to Docyt, Planful eliminates mundane tasks and automates workflows to help you protect your time (and get home for dinner).  As an added bonus, this AI also has the ability to detect data anomalies and uncover insights into you AND your clients’ businesses. Planful enables continuous planning across your organization. It improves forecast accuracy, optimizes resources, and makes data-driven decisions. Say goodbye to disparate spreadsheets and embrace interconnected finance powered by Planful’s intelligent platform.