client acquisition

This case study delves into the journey of Ruoyu Lowry, a seasoned accounting professional who transitioned from her corporate role to becoming the owner of a successful accounting firm (and is well on the way to being her dream accounting firm). With The Create Your Dream Firm program to guide her, she navigated the challenges of transitioning from a full-time entrepreneur to achieving remarkable success in her accounting business. Ruoyu’s inspiring story highlights her determination, growth mindset, and willingness to embrace new strategies, culminating in a significant breakthrough in her financial and business goals.

“I’m good with what I do. I’m not good with marketing.”


Startup firm owner Ruoyu L. knew her weaknesses and actively sought help to overcome them. Her determination to improve her marketing skills, attract more clients, and achieve her six-figure income goal set the stage for her transformation. And the Create Your Dream Firm program provided the tools and guidance she needed to successfully transform her firm. Eventually, with all new strategies and tech in place, she doubled her firm’s revenue. 

The Transition To Entrepreneurship

Ruoyu started her accounting career as a bookkeeper and worked her way up to become a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in a corporate setting. However, the desire to build her own accounting firm was always in the back of her mind. With a diverse skill set and a deep understanding of the financial aspects of businesses, Ruoyu eventually took the leap and established her own firm.

In 2007, while still working as a CFO, Ruoyu Lowry started her own accounting firm on a part-time basis. Encouragement from her ex-employer played a pivotal role in her decision to venture into entrepreneurship. Her ex-boss recognized Ruoyu’s potential and encouraged her to leverage her skills and knowledge to establish her accounting firm.

The seamless transition was further facilitated by Ruoyu’s commitment to maintaining a positive relationship with her ex-employer. She continued offering her assistance and expertise, solidifying a strong professional bond that ultimately led to her ex-employer becoming her firm’s first client. This transition from employee to business owner was rooted in mutual respect, trust, and shared goals. Her startup accounting firm was well on its way.

The Ultimate Realization- You Can’t Rely Exclusively On Referrals

Although Ruoyu’s journey started off on the right foot, she eventually faced the all too common challenge of securing clients to grow her startup accounting firm. Despite possessing excellent accounting skills, she struggled with marketing and outreach, hindering her ability to attract clients effectively. While referrals and part-time CFO roles provided some stability, Ruoyu recognized the need to expand her client base and elevate her income.

“I survived a few years, however, I had a hard time breaking the six-digit income until I participated in Dream Firm’s coaching.”

Realizing the limitations of her current approach, Ruoyu acknowledged the need for a fresh perspective and innovative strategies. She aimed to break through the referral cycle and elevate her business to new heights. This realization marked a turning point as she sought ways to enhance her skills and approach. Her search led her to the 5-star accountant coaching course, The Create Your Dream Firm Program. Intrigued by the prospect of gaining valuable insights and strategies, she decided to explore this new avenue.

The Proactive Approach- Focusing On Client Acquisition

Ruoyu embarked on her entrepreneurial journey, armed with strong accounting skills but grappling with the challenge of attracting clients and fueling growth. Despite her proficiency, marketing and client acquisition remained her Achilles’ heel, leading to sporadic client flow and income. Ruoyu had already realized that she couldn’t rely exclusively on referrals if she wanted to crush her six-figure revenue goal, and now she had the tools to take the proactive approach to sign new clients. 

Ruoyu’s marketing efforts experienced a significant shift as well. With the adoption of a well-defined niche and dream client profile, she started using strategic marketing techniques to attract the right clients. By conducting digital coffees, teaching classes, and showcasing her expertise, Ruoyu increased her brand visibility and credibility within her target market. As a result, she consistently booked appointments, averaging $10K in new clients per month.

“I’ve added $71K to my firm in 10 months.”

At the outset, Ruoyu’s main challenge was defining her niche and identifying her dream client profile. She initially took on a wide range of clients without a clear focus on marketing or specialization. She struggled with promoting herself and her services, often accepting clients who didn’t align with her expertise. However, through guidance and learning, Ruoyu recognized the importance of defining her niche. She ultimately found her specialization in serving manufacturing businesses, utilizing her experience from bookkeeping to CFO roles in growing companies from $5 million to $25 million in revenue.

Ruoyu’s collaboration with Dream Firms proved transformative. She gained access to a structured framework for client acquisition and enhanced service delivery. Taking advantage of our state-of-the-art lead generation method and utilizing our social media guidance, Ruoyu soon found her calendar full of digital coffees with high-value dream clients.

Making Her Firm Invaluable To Her Clients- Mastering An Advisory Position

Central to her startup accounting firm’s transformation was the Financial 360 concept, which redefined her pricing model and positioned her as an advisor offering exceptional value. Challenged by the implementation of the Financial 360 approach, Ruoyu embraced the challenge. Through consistent practice and learning, she harnessed the strategy, allowing her to secure clients who appreciated her expertise and value-driven approach.

“When I first started my firm, $100 per return, you, you laugh.  I gradually increased that over years to $250. And now I increased for an individual would be $500 to start and for business would be $800 to start. So that helps me to eliminate a lot of time-consuming clients.”

One pivotal skill Ruoyu developed was active listening during client interactions. By guiding conversations, asking probing questions, and rephrasing clients’ concerns, Ruoyu demonstrated her genuine interest in helping them succeed. This approach not only built trust but also allowed her to connect her services directly to clients’ needs. She realized that clients appreciate an accountant who understands their challenges and can offer tailored solutions.

Ruoyu’s dedication and strategic approach bore fruit as she broke through the six-figure income barrier. With a new pricing strategy, refined client acquisition skills, and a solid value proposition, she attracted clients who valued her expertise and were willing to pay for her services.

Overcoming Challenges For Continous Growth

Ruoyu’s journey is a testament to the power of determination, strategic guidance, and continuous learning in building a successful accounting firm. Through her journey, she transformed from a hesitant business owner struggling with self-promotion to a confident and unstoppable force in the industry.

“Last year’s goal was $125K, I reached and went beyond that… And I am going to reach $250K this year.”

By defining her niche, refining her pricing strategy, and mastering the art of active listening, Ruoyu not only attracted her dream clients but also significantly increased her revenue. Her story serves as an inspiration to accounting professionals looking to elevate their practices through strategic decision-making and relentless pursuit of excellence.

Join Ruoyu And Build Your Dream Accounting Firm