On August 1st of 2022, CPA Adrienne B. decided to do something different for her firm. All too often, accounting firm owners get caught up in the vicious cycle of IRS deadlines and consumer demands. There is a way to elevate your firm above arbitrary deadlines and bad clients. Adrienne found that inside our Create Your Dream Firm program. This is how it elevated her startup accounting firm.


Adrienne had checked all of the boxes. She was a CPA. She made the bold leap to start her own accounting firm as a solopreneur. And, she was gradually adding new clients. But, her firm was only bringing in $12K in profit a year. Then she joined our Create Your Dream Firm program, and she added $15,000 to her firm within 30 days. With a new client acquisition method, a group of like-minded, supportive entrepreneurial accountants, and a new mindset, Adrienne elevated her firm to her dream accounting firm.

Breaking through profit barriers to build her dream accounting firm, that’s what Create Your Dream Firm did for Adrienne. 

Many entrepreneurial accountants are all too familiar with the feeling of working, working, working without any results. CPA Adrienne B. was there once too…

Getting Specific

A new competitor arises

Adrienne’s journey into accounting wasn’t typical. Rather than pursuing a traditional career path, she slowly worked her way up the ladder, gaining knowledge and expertise along the way. Despite this non-traditional approach, she put in the effort and eventually earned the opportunity to take over her then-boss’s tax resolution firm. However, the demands of running the firm were often overwhelming, leaving Adrienne working seven days a week.


Despite the challenges, Adrienne loved her work and was committed to her clients. She believed that her hard work would eventually pay off, but after taking a closer look at her business, she realized she needed some help to take her practice to the next level. After trying several coaching programs with no success, she turned to Dream Firms for personalized, one-on-one support.

Dream Clients IDENTIFIED:

Niching up & singing high-value clients

Adrienne, being a savvy businesswoman, was quick to recognize the untapped potential for growth that lay within the Create Your Dream Firm program. With her keen eye for opportunity, she wasted no time in capitalizing on it. In fact, with just one coaching call, she was able to effectively address a persistent problem and generate an impressive 45 new reviews for her accounting practice. The results were nothing short of remarkable – within a mere week, Adrienne noticed a significant difference in the way her clients responded to her services. It was clear that her astute decision-making had paid off handsomely.

“WITHIN 30 DAYS I ADDED $15,000”

By understanding her clients’ needs, Adrienne saw that they wanted more than just tax preparation and bookkeeping. They wanted someone who could help them understand the financial aspects of their businesses. Armed with this insight, Adrienne began to offer CFO-like services that helped her clients better understand their profit margins, cash flow, and other financial metrics. 

It’s Not Automatic…

Expanding your firm’s capacity

Although Adrienne was eager to grow her practice, she was a solopreneur and was concerned about the impact of hiring a support team on her paycheck. Understandably so… Together we found a solution that fit her and her firm but didn’t cut into her paycheck. Automation is all too often neglected, and it turned Adrienne’s firm around. 

She discussed this on a group coaching call and was surprised to find that her fellow accountants agreed that her prices were too low for the value she provided. With renewed support and confidence, Adrienne went to work, powered by automation,  raised her prices, and began communicating her value more effectively.

With the support and guidance of Dream Firms, Adrienne tackled each problem with determination and a strong work ethic. She approached every challenge with the same gusto that inspired her to pursue accounting in the first place. Now, with a new mindset, better tools, and a little help from Dream Firms, Adrienne has transformed her accounting firm into a thriving business that meets the unique needs of her dream clients.


Let’s Get To The Numbers

Revenue Growth Without Working More Hours

transition to advisory services

Adriennes’s biggest fear about growing her accounting practice was losing even more of her time and taking a pay cut. But, after working with Dream Firms she realized that she could grow without experiencing these things. And, she did. She identified her dream clients and learned how to soothe their biggest pain points, making her an invaluable addition to their businesses. In just three months she also added incredible value to her accounting firm with over $35K in new revenue, all while having more time to spend with her family.

What’s stopping you from enjoying the same type of success?