Privacy Notice: These case studies have had the last names of the client removed to protect their privacy & prevent interference with their Google rankings. 

Streamlining For Success

Linda W.


Accounting firm owner, Linda W. recently joined the Create Your Dream Firm program with one thing in mind– build her dream accounting firm. She was still in the early growth stages but, like many other entrepreneurial accountants, was frustrated by slow growth and a dwindling pool of prospective clients. She also lacked confidence heading sales calls and walking through her services. From our very first chat, we went to work to overcome her biggest growth challenges. Even though it was her first full month in the program, Linda accomplished big wins for her accounting firm.

Her Goals:

Improve Online Presence

Generate New Client Appointments

Increase Sales Confidence 

how he achieved the 7 figure firm


As the end of the year wrapped up, Linda found herself and her firm in a completely different position than they were at the beginning of the month. We started with improving her online presence. In December, we supplied Linda with a new website to make it easier for potential clients to find her and learn about her services. We also bolstered her social status with company-branded social media pages. 

Meanwhile, our LGS team was hard at work, filling Linda’s calendar with 60 new client appointments. But, those appointments wouldn’t be worth it if Linda wasn’t working to improve her sales confidence. She streamlined her service offerings to provide clarity & increase profitability and narrowed her efforts down to one specific niche. Now instead of focusing her efforts on client acquisition (leaving no time for anything else), she can sit down to a calendar full of appointments and confidently lead prospective clients through digital coffee.

Building Their Reputation To Increase Their Revenue

Daniel N.


With a recently redone website and a history of success, EA Daniel knew that F5 Accounting should be earning more. He noticed a missing piece and identified an opportunity to do more. He discovered a new path in our Create Your Dream Firm program. Joining with the hopes that he would find the missing piece to his firm’s success, he found something a little bit better, a mindset change. He’s learning new techniques and employing them to increase the value of his accounting firm. Here’s what he mastered in December.

His Goals:

Increase Profitability  

Build Firm’s Reputation 

Increase Revenue

reduce tax deadline stress


Daniel went to work right away… To build his firm’s reputation (online and otherwise) our team enacted a reviews campaign. And as of the end of December, F5 Accounting had 30 new 5-star reviews. Now he can send potential clients reviews from like-minded business owners, and when clients search for his firm on Google, they’re greeted with a litany of shining testimonials. And, in a step to increase the firm’s revenue, Daniel has started upselling existing clients and raising prices for new clients. Successfully too… this month Daniel resigned an existing client for a 15% increase. And that’s just the start of getting the premium price he deserves.

Planning For Profits, With Productivity Front of Mind

Kieth W.


Keith W. has been working with us for a while… He’s already done the majority of the work to build his dream accounting firm. His client acquisition pipeline is flooded with dream clients, and he’s confident in his team, services, and pricing model. Keith’s even been able to take real vacations, while his firm continues to thrive without him there. So what’s left for him to accomplish in December?

His Goals:

Review Productivity & Revise Workflow Where Needed

Lay The Groundwork For A Less Stressful Tax Season


Keith didn’t get to where he is without being proactive, and his wins in December are just another example of the proactive steps he takes to better his firm. Not all wins are monetary. In fact, some of the most important wins have nothing to do with bringing in more revenue (Although his firm did plenty of that in December too). His most significant successes this month were plans to have a better tax season. 

His firm hosted its first-ever capacity planning meeting to identify workflow improvements and ensure that each employee was tasked with things that make the most sense for their experience level. He also instituted hard tax season deadlines for his monthly clients and consequences if those deadlines were not met. In December, he successfully set his firm and his team up to have a less stressful and more productive tax season by reducing last-minute requests and communicating with clients. 

Your Monthly Wins Are Waiting

DISCLAIMER: The success we celebrate here is directly related to how much effort our clients put into the program. Your outcome will be similarly dependent on how much work you put in on the front end.  Only YOU can build your dream firm, we’re here to support and guide you every step of the way.