From a $24K client to 60 5-star Google reviews, the last month was full of wins for entrepreneurial accountants in the Create Your Dream Firm program. Startup accounting firm owners found themselves signing their first high-value clients, while others focused on boosting their online presence or rounding out their content production efforts. Big or small, monetary or practical, all of the wins our clients generate deserve to be celebrated (and are). But for right now, here’s what October looked like for three entrepreneurial accountants. 

Privacy Notice: These case studies have had the last names of the client removed to protect their privacy & prevent interference with their Google rankings. 

The First $18K Client is The Hardest…

Adrienne B.


Despite joining our program with the weight of the September 15th deadline bearing down on her accounting firm, Adrienne B. crushed her first month. We checked in on her in August to see how she was faring, and to everyone’s surprise, but ours, she had already begun refining her sales process and added $18k of premium accounting clients. If she did all of that in just 30 days imagine what else she could do with just a little more time

Her Goals:

Increase Confidence On Sales Calls
Add High-Value Clients
Revise Pricing & Sales Methods

how he achieved the 7 figure firm


Practice makes perfect as they say, and Adrienne can attest to that. With the Dreamleads team heading her lead generation efforts she found a calendar full of digital coffees, perfect for practicing her sales pitch and ironing out any issues. Which she did… And, as the end of October rolled around, Adrienne found herself not only comfortable hosting digital coffees but excelling at them as well. She put this newfound talent to work for her other goal, signing high-value dream clients. The Create Your Dream Firm program guided her, but it was Adrienne who closed her $18,000-a-year client.

Striking Gold With A 24-Carat Client

Virgil M.


Since becoming a part of the Dream Firms community, first in the Create Your Dream Firm program and then leveling up into the Future Proof Your Firm program, Virgil M. has transformed his accounting firm. His initial goals were to niche up, become more comfortable filming himself, and set up supporting tech to help automate his firm. Now that he’s comfortably producing tax tip videos for his niche and regularly hosting digital coffees with niche clients, his goals have also leveled up.

His Goals:

Increase Individual Client Value
Expand Supporting Team

reduce tax deadline stress


His digital coffees have been going well. And because he’s mastered producing original content Virgil is able to speak directly to his dream clients without ever having met them. This has allowed Virgil and his firm to create scalable growth. With that scalable growth came a need for some additional team members. In October, Virgil followed the covert Create Your Dream Firm hiring method to secure supporting staff. He also achieved another goal in October– increasing the individual value of his clients. He signed a client for $5,000 a year, but that wasn’t the big fish. In October, with all the skills he’s amassed amidst our programs, Virgil reeled in his first $24K client.

Referrals, Meet The Marketing Strategy That Works

Leslie M.


Like many entrepreneurial accountants, Leslie is running her accounting firm but she wasn’t running her dream accounting firm. Although she had a company website, her online presence wasn’t attracting the clients she wanted. And, with no proactive strategy to approach new clients, Leslie found herself relying on referrals for new business more often than she would like. But since joining the Create Your Dream Firm program, things are looking different for Leslie and her accounting firm.

Her Goals:

Boost Online Presence
Proactively Approach Niche Clients


With the Dreamleads team hard at work and a course of new marketing & client acquisition materials to work through, Leslie has already begun to elevate her firm. Once upon a time, her accounting firm’s online presence was inconspicuous. Now, she stands out with over 60 5-star Google My Business reviews and an impressive LinkedIn audience. In addition to receiving a step-by-step guidebook to your dream firm, when you join the Create Your Dream Firm program, you also join a community of like-minded entrepreneurial accountants. Leslie ended October on a high note with 2 tax resolution clients, one from our lead generation team and one from another accountant inside the Dream Firms Network.

Your Monthly Wins Are Waiting

DISCLAIMER: The success we celebrate here is directly related to how much effort our clients put into the program. Your outcome will be similarly dependent on how much work you put in on the front end.  Only YOU can build your dream firm, we’re here to support and guide you every step of the way.