Accredited, But Not For His Accounting Firm.

Leaving room for your dream clients…

Addition by subtraction was the name of the game for CPA Jim C. this month. Thanks to guidance from our flagship Create Your Dream Firm program, Jim niched up in the beauty industry. But just niching up isn’t enough, and he knew that. When you niche up, you also have to turn down clients outside of that niche. And that challenge would present itself this month. More importantly, though, Jim dedicated September to developing his firm and focusing on internal processes.


  • Work On Firm, Not For It
  • Clarify Internal & External Processes
  • Solidify Niche 

reduce tax deadline stress

CPA Jim C. started September with a first… his first digital coffee. But that wasn’t the most important move he made in September. With September (and October) tax deadlines approaching and tax season 2023 on the horizon, he chose to work on his firm instead of for his firm. He held a meeting to review all their internal systems, front-end communications, and onboarding process. And, he applied what he’s learned in our program to his accounting firm to smooth things out for him and his clients.

With our “up the value-ladder” philosophy in mind, he finished out September by turning down a prospect that wasn’t in his niche. It was an accredited investor, but they didn’t fit in with the future he saw for his accounting firm. In September, Jim set his accounting firm up to generate mutually beneficial relationships with his dream clients.

Engineering Growth

One month in, three new engagements…

September was Forrest C.’s first month in the Create Your Dream Firm program. But that didn’t stop him from setting some impressive goals. He wanted to increase the value of his accounting firm and his clients, all while staying true to his niche of architects and civil engineers. With a niche-specific speaking engagement on the horizon, it seemed possible. But, booking a speaking engagement isn’t enough to boost your firm by itself. Forrest knew he needed help to flawlessly execute the sales process. And, he found that help inside Dream Firms.


  • Increase Monthly Revenue
  • Focus On Niche-Specific Clients

He didn’t think it was possible until he joined our program. Now, not only does he know it’s possible, but he’s enjoying the benefits of it. Increasing an existing client’s monthly fee by any amount is intimidating, but increasing it by $5,000 can feel downright terrifying. It’s a prospect that most entrepreneurial accountants wouldn’t take on. But armed with the support of the other accountants in the Create Your Dream Firm program and guidelines for how to execute the increase, Forrest C. did just that. And increased his client’s monthly fee by $5,000. He also secured two niche clients, from his speaking engagements, for $10,000 each. That’s a $80K yearly boost in just 30 days


Shutting out deadline driven clients to increase profits

Keith W. has been refining his firm for many months, but September was one for the books…Not only in terms of profits but also in terms of setting himself and his accounting firm up for success. Although they are not strangers to growth, his firm was still running into a few hiccups here and there. Namely, they were being plagued by last-minute clients, causing a backlog of projects, putting unnecessary stress on him and his team, and wasting time that could be spent elevating his CPA firm. But guided by the tenets outlined in the Create Your Dream Firm program, Keith put a stop to that this month.


  • Refine Scope of Services
  • Reduce Deadline Stress

We had some firsts in September, and now we have some lasts. Keith W. was tired of having clients run in the door last minute and demand that he “fix” their taxes. He agreed to help out one such client… one last time…for $6,500. But he took our advice and closed that door for good. He sent his client an email informing them that they could sign on to become a monthly client or they could find another accountant.

Keith stayed firm in his scope of services and because of this, earned his due worth and saved him and his employees the stress of meeting last-minute deadlines. The Create Your Dream Firm helped him refine his scope of services and walked him through a smoother selling process, but Keith was the one who successfully enacted them. And it certainly makes it easier to say no to existing clients, when you’re also confidently sending out new engagement letters for $6K.

During a time of year typically driven by deadlines, entrepreneurial accountants in the Create Your Dream Firm program found time to focus on elevating their accounting firms and setting themselves up for less stressful deadlines in the future. 

Find Out What The Future of Your Firm Could Look Like