accountants blogs

Writing an accountant’s blog for your business is a little bit different than traditional blogging. Instead of creating content to increase traffic to your website, focus on creating content that your clients will want to read. A blog can demonstrate that you’re a reliable accounting professional, who has their client’s best interest at heart. However, finding the formula for a good blog is challenging. If you’re creating content for your dream clients, follow this guideline. 

Accountant’s Blog Checklist

accountants blog checklist

The most asked question about blog posts is how long they should be. We suggest focusing on quality rather than quantity. Write something you think your clients will want to read. Do not write to hit a certain word count. Instead of focusing on how many characters you’re using, turn your efforts to these 5 essential components of a successful blog. When you’ve checked all of these items off, read it through it once to catch any mistakes… But that’s it. Don’t overanalyze. And, don’t let yourself fall into the time-sucking predicament of paralysis by analysis. 

1. An Attention-Grabbing Headline

Because your blog article’s title is the first thing people will see, it’s the most important piece of a blog. Try to keep the title as informative and concise as possible. 

2. Easy-to-follow Formatting 

When you go to a nice restaurant, they don’t just chuck the food on your plate and toss it to you. Similarly, presentation is an important part of writing an accounting blog post. The idea is to make your blog as easy to read as possible. “Quick-read” content like bullet points or lists are ideal for breaking up large blocks of text and making them easy to read. Adding subheadlines to separate portions of your blog also helps make your blog more digestible. 

3. Visual Media 

Relevant multimedia content can make a blog article more memorable and more interesting. And, it helps break up large blocks of text.  It also helps to break up text to make it more pleasing to the eye. Don’t forget to add alt text!

4. Internal & Outbound Links 

If you are taking the time and effort to put together a blog, make sure you are also directly promoting your firm. And, that’s as easy as including in-text links to book a call or contact you. It’s also a good idea to include external links or links that direct readers to another site. These links should support the information you are conveying. Linking to IRS updates and other national organizations further establishes you as a trustworthy source of information. 

5. Call-To-Actions

Each and every blog post you publish should include a relevant call-to-action (CTA) in order to help boost lead generation. This usually is found at the bottom of the article, but an in-text link in the middle of your blog can be just as effective. Like your headlines, try to keep your CTAs as short and interesting as possible. And above all, make sure that they are relevant. 

The Most Common Reasons Blogs Fail Accountants

Even with this guide, creating content can be difficult and time consuming. After watching the video above, you can successfully navigate the most common pitfalls  If you’re already facing serious time constraints, instead of spending your time writing a blog, focus on learning how to automate parts of your firm to free up your time. Protecting your time gives you the ability to work on your business, instead of for it. So you can spend time proactively going after your dream clients. If you’re interested in how our clients do this, you can check it out here

You also always have the option of hiring a freelance writer. Websites like Upwork allow you to sort through potential candidates and view their portfolios, so you can hire a writer that can handle your specific needs. 

accountant blog

You’ve Conquered Blogs, Now What?

Blogging is only one of the content creation options accountants have. And, it’s just a small slice of the marketing pie. For a full-course experience with different offerings, we suggest checking out our 5-star program. 

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