There isn’t one specific plan of action that satisfies the goals of every single accounting, bookkeeping, or tax firm. Although the same general principles apply to practices across the board, it’s important to find what works best for you and your firm. That’s what our clients do in the Create Your Dream Firm program.
Regardless of size, budget, or goals, we help them establish an accounting firm growth strategy that propels their firm forward. And, we mean forward. No waiting around for referrals. No vague suggestions. It’s real, actionable advice, that helps them grow every month. Here’s what a select few accomplished in May. 

Alan N. – Group Coaching Calls For Success

A New Website & Signing His First Tax Planning Client for $29,500

Where He Was:

Like many others before him, Alan wanted more from his firm. Having successfully held a variety of positions, from CFO to public accountant to treasury manager, Alan knew that he wanted to take things into his own hands, and so he did, confidently. But, when the 1st quarter ended he realized that he hadn’t generated the number of leads he had intended. He needed a better way to reach and connect with his dream clients. Then he found our Create Your Dream Firm program.

His Initial Goals:

  • Generate high-quality leads 
  • Set his firm on the right path to achieve expansive yet sustainable growth 

What He Accomplished:

Signing your first tax planning client can be a nerve-racking experience, even for hardened pros like Alan. That was all that was on his mind when he hopped into his first group coaching call of May. Have no fear dear reader, Alan successfully signed his first-ever tax planning client after that meeting. And it wasn’t just a client, it was a high-value dream client, signed for $29,500. But not without a little help from the group… A dash of advice from other experienced accounting pros goes a long way. Thorough prep, group support, and a shiny new website helped secure Alan his new client.

Lisa G. – Winning The Digital Game With A Pair of 5s

5-star Reviews & 5 New Clients

Where She Was:

Lisa G., CPA & MBA, is not new to the game. In fact, she’s an established pro. And while her many years of experience have helped cement her expertise and her firm, they haven’t left enough room for expanding in the digital age. Fearless as ever, Lisa was ready to embrace something completely new to take her firm somewhere completely new. On her mission, she stumbled upon DreamFirms, and the rest is still unfolding…

Her Initial Goals:

  • Access & Implement new technology 
  • Update online presence to attract new high-value clients 

What She Accomplished:

Today, when potential clients search for Lisa, they are confronted with a tidal wave of 5-star reviews and a beautiful & functional new website. Lisa’s 5 newly signed clients certainly agree that it was a great first impression. But, it’s what went on behind the scenes that has really made a difference. Lisa is successfully tackling every tech & time-saving lesson we have to offer, and it is showing. She’s leading her firm into the digital age, no stops. In fact, she’s doing so well, we will let her take it from here. “I have been in the program for 3 weeks, and I am so happy with it. This is the best money I have ever spent!”

Kenesha C. – Noticed In Her Niche

Paid Speaking Opportunities To Network With Her Dream Clients ✅

Where She Was:

If you caught our interview with Kenesha, you already know that she is no stranger to success, or the challenges to get there. COVID hit her niche (the beauty industry) hard, but she remained firm in her resolve and hit back harder. You can watch her interview to learn how she did, but for now… Her firm is flourishing; she’s already added $100K in less than 365 days, while holding down a 9-5, to earn her our coveted Dream Firm award. So, what is new for her in May you may be wondering? How is she continuing to build on her success?

Her Current Goals:

  • Establish herself as the go-to accountant for her niche 
  • Leverage saved time into new opportunities

What She Accomplished:

In the month of May, Kenesha raced past a new milestone… Getting paid to speak in front of industry leaders in her niche. Not once, but twice. That’s right, thanks to her hard work establishing herself as a go-to resource during difficult times, Kenesha was offered two opportunities to speak in front of AND to her dream clients. Earning money while you advertise to your dream clients, that’s what we like to call a negative ad budget. And now, whenever someone in the beauty industry needs CPA support, Kenesha’s name is front-of-mind.