entrepreneurial accountants

Every month accounting professionals enjoy unprecedented “wins.” We say wins, not earnings because not every success can be measured by a dollar figure. Taking a vacation and relying on your team without having a check-in… Supporting a family member by adding them to your payroll… Firing a difficult client that was eating up your time… All of these wins deserve to be celebrated just as much as the monetary ones. And this is our place to do so. Each month we will be highlighting wins, monetary and otherwise, from clients in our Create Your Dream Firm program. Let’s take a look at what entrepreneurial accountants Yulia D., Alan P., and Kinjal A. accomplished in April 2022. 

Corporate Refugee Turned Successful Firm Founder

Building Her Dream Accounting Firm & Her Dream House

Where She Was:

You might have caught her story in our Dream Firm Leader interview, but Yulia has done a complete 180, in less than 365. A serial side hustler, Yulia held a corporate position that she considered her dream job. Even though she had to maintain several small accounting gigs on the side to reach her financial goals, she was willing to put in the work. 

Then, three months after becoming a mom, she lost it all… her dream job, her paycheck, and the security of a corporate position. So she decided to take matters into her own hands and made the switch to being a full-time entrepreneurial accountant. And as many of you can imagine, she ran into some bumps along the way. Luckily, she ran into the Dream Firms team too.

Her Initial Goals:

  • Build her dream accounting firm that allows her to do more than just pay her bills. 
  • Stop relying on restrictive freelancing sites like Upwork to get clients.

What She Accomplished:

Fast forward to today, and Yulia’s corporate career is firmly in the rearview mirror. After completing the Create Your Dream Firm program, she was able to funnel her entrepreneurial spirit into a flourishing firm. Not only is she earning more now than she did in her previous position, she’s earning enough to put her mom on her firm’s payroll AND build her dream house.

 As far as relying on freelancing sites for referrals, the marketing tactics she learned are so effective that in her own words, “I just have people throwing themselves at me essentially.” As of April, Yulia has earned well over $200,000+ since starting with Dream Firms just 18 months prior, allowing her to win two of our fabled Dream Firm Awards, in addition to picking up a community of peers to support her entrepreneurial journey.

Signed $25,000+ In New Clients

Premium Pricing For Premium Services

Where He Was:

Alan’s firm wasn’t significantly lacking in many areas, but it also wasn’t perfect. Like many others before him, he was putting in the hours but not seeing the rise in profits he wanted. How could he get his firm’s name out to his dream clients, so that he could earn more? After considering several options, he realized the best value came from the Create Your Dream Firm Program and decided to give it a shot. Here, he quickly realized he had found the answer to his questions.

His Initial Goals:

  • Focus on acquiring niche-specific clients.
  • Build firm’s reputation & charge accordingly.
  • Improve client acquisition strategy with more targeted marketing.

What He Accomplished:

Alan has crushed all of his goals, to the tune of $25,700. And, that’s just what he added in April… As of this month, Alan has earned 80% of his entire 2021 revenue. He did it by fully committing to the Dream Firm’s way and zeroing in on his goals. With positive website reviews coming in to bolster his reputation and a crystal clear understanding of what his dream client looked like, he was able to gradually raise his prices while still signing new clients, leading to a very lucrative first quarter. His start to the year was so successful he was able to reward himself with a brand new Cadilac Escalade… As if the ride to his Dream Firm could be any smoother.

The Journey Begins With $18,000

Signing The First Client for His Virtual CFO Firm

Where He Was:

Kinjal started off 2022 strong, with a 7 figure exit from a bookkeeping-centric service. After the high of the sale, came the question, “What do I do next?” He contemplated buying another business, investing in e-commerce, offering advisory work, and a few other things. But, when it came down to it, he decided to follow the best opportunity he was aware of by starting a virtual accounting firm with a CFO focus from scratch. But, he had never done that before, so he wanted extra guidance and a community of peers to bounce ideas off. And, he found it in the Create Your Dream Firm program.

His Initial Goals:

  • Learn effective outreach tactics to connect with new CFO-level clients. 
  • Build a base of high-value, niche-specific dream clients

What He Accomplished:

They always say that the first step is the hardest… We always say that the first dream client is the hardest. After only two weeks in the program, Kinjal leveraged our in-depth advisory level sales training to land his firm’s first dream client. Even though his practice is only just beginning to take flight, Kinjal signed a $1,500 a month client. Let’s just say we’re all excited to see what he can accomplish in May, with the full force of the Dream Firms team behind him!

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