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The 5 Best Holiday Marketing Campaign Ideas for Your Accounting Firm

The Christmas and New Year holiday season is one of the best times to connect with potential dream clients. The end of the year is approaching quickly, do you know how to take advantage of this lucrative time? If not, you’ve come to the right place. The key is to make your business stand out with a clever but easy-to-implement marketing campaign. 

If you or your accounting firm needs more help and resources to get your dream clients, check out our YouTube Channel.

1. Offer Holiday Specials for Prospective Clients

Our first suggestion likely comes as no surprise. The classic holiday special marketing campaign gets revisited each year for a reason… it works. Whether it’s because of a last push to finalize things before the year ends or simply the intrigue of an offer too good to refuse, holiday specials are productive to say the least. This rings doubly true as a marketing campaign for accounting firms. 

marketing ideas for accountants

Your dream clients are out there, and they are looking for someone to help them with their finances as the year closes out. Use this holiday marketing campaign to incite interest and then reel them in with your expertise and experience. A holiday special doesn’t necessarily mean that you give big discounts or a limited time service offer, but rather, that you offer a great deal that reflects the urgency of Q4 for accounting, bookkeeping, and tax professionals.

DreamFirms Marketing Tip: Most accounting firms either have a tax planning component as part of their services or a strategic partner who can offer these. The holiday season is a great time to announce that your accounting firm will only accept a limited number of new tax planning clients for the upcoming year. This offer generates urgency and encourages clients to commit to your services. Bundled tax services at no extra cost are a rare commodity.

2. Send Physical Gifts to Your Current Clients

Another effective holiday marketing campaign idea is to send your current clients gifts. This shows that you think highly of your clients and their businesses. Physical gifts instantly create a connection. Take advantage of the gift-giving season and let your clients know that they’re important to you. 

Some of our favorites include holiday cookie platters, Christmas gift boxes, and of course the always popular… liquor. 

tax firm holiday marketing

You can also go above and beyond and find a gift related to your client’s specific industry. Whether you send a gift basket or something more tailored, your clients will know that you’re thinking about them. And, you can use this to help reach new clients. 

Tell your prospective clients that you will send them the same gift basket if they hop on a quick Zoom call or meeting with you. A free gift will incentivise them to meet with you and give you the opportunity to connect with your dream client. 

Russell Brunson, the founder of ClickFunnels, makes it a huge point to include free physical items such as T-shirts when people sign up for the free trial of his software. Not just as a holiday marketing campaign idea but as a gesture of goodwill. Tangible gifts have a significant psychological impact on people. After all, it’s human nature for us to want to get things for free. You can use this marketing idea all year round. 

3. Give Back to Charities or Communities in Need

Our third holiday marketing idea is philanthropy. It’s always a good idea to give back to local charities or communities in need. Create dialogues with your current and prospective clients where you talk about causes and issues that are important to them, or encourage them to consider the causes you’re supporting. This demonstrates that you genuinely care about more than just turning a profit.  

accountant social media ideas

If you have a local presence in your market, it’s even more effective to publicly share about the local charities or groups that you support. Let people know why you do what you do, while bringing awareness to charitable organizations and/or communities that need more exposure.

People working in service-oriented businesses should fundamentally have the genuine desire to help other people enjoy better lives. When you donate your time and money to causes like these, it showcases your generosity, which will make more people want to work with you.

4. Share Your Year in Review

Sharing a year in review is a quick & easy holiday marketing campaign idea. This isn’t the time to be humble. Let people know what you and your clients have accomplished together. Highlight big company wins and share client successes with your potential patrons (as long as you have their permission).

You can also talk about how you intend to move forward into the new year and apply the major lessons you’ve learned from the previous year. This is an opportunity to hype up current clients and show perspective clients exactly what you can do for them. 

holiday marketing ideas

DreamFirms Marketing Tip: Be a proactive thought leader, and only share things that can dramatically benefit your audience. One way to go about this is to create a two- to three-part email series featuring your accounting firm’s year in review. Merge both reactive and proactive stances as you do so to produce stellar content that engages and educates. 

 This campaign idea will be more effective if you take the time to learn more about good copywriting. If you need a step-by-step guide for this, we can hook you with a top-notch copywriting expert for multiple sessions.

5. Recommend Your Most Valuable Tools or Services of the Year

The fifth and final holiday marketing campaign idea is to recommend tools or services that you used and greatly benefited from. Share exactly how investments bettered your accounting firm and made your job easier. This will help to establish you as an innovative and capable industry leader. 

Think of all the products or services that you’ve invested in last year. Which ones think will benefit the majority of your prospective or current clients? You can even go the extra mile and find affiliate links for those products or services, and then share those on your communication platforms.

Doing this will also help your firm make extra money on the side. But, be cautious. Don’t share a product simply for the extra money. If your prospective clients try your recommendation and find it to be lacking, you’ve lost your opportunity to connect with them. Only recommend products or services that you truly believe in. 

To recap, the five best holiday marketing campaign ideas for your accounting firm are:

  1. Offering Holiday Specials for Prospective Clients.
  2. Sending Physical Gifts to Your Current Clients.
  3. Giving Back to Charities or Communities In Need.
  4. Sharing Your Year in Review.
  5. Recommending Your Accounting Firm’s Most Valuable Tools or Services For the Year.

If you want to know more about how you can make more money in less time, check out our article on the Strategies to Grow Your Accounting Firm FAST.

What Should You Do Now?

Assess your firm’s present capability to materialize these holiday marketing campaign ideas. Don’t fret if you can’t pull off all of these yet this year. Be attentive to your current and prospective clients throughout the year. This will make it easier for you to think of the perfect offers, gifts, tools, and services for them when the holiday season comes.   

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