marketing metrics that matter for accountants
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Marketing Metrics That Matter For Your Accounting Firm

Many in the accounting, bookkeeping, and tax space find it hard to market a firm. However, it can be much easier if you just know how you can properly measure and track your growth. To attract your dream prospective clients, here are the marketing metrics that matter for your accounting firm.

Marketing is mostly done online nowadays, so your odds of reaching your target audience wherever they are is easier than ever. The shift has also paved the way for making it possible to quantify the performance of your campaign efforts. If you want to make the most out of your marketing investments, you should be measuring these four powerful metrics.

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One of the marketing metrics that matter for your accounting firm is “Views.” This pertains to the number of times your promotional content has been seen online. It’s worth pointing out that a person can view an ad multiples times, so it doesn’t necessarily translate to a count of unique people.

“Views” on physical ad materials or posts are really hard to track, especially back when the internet wasn’t a thing yet. For example, there’s no way for you to know how many people have seen a billboard, or how many of those who did are even qualified to be your client. With online ad campaigns however, Views can be tracked easily.

marketing accounting metrics
accounting marketing

Here are snapshots of our Google Ads account, which is running a very basic ad campaign. The dashboard can be overwhelming, but let’s just focus on the parameter that allows us to track Views, called “Impressions.” It’s simply the alternative term used by many platforms such as Google Ads and Facebook Ads to tally digital views.

The primary value proposition of accounting, bookkeeping, and tax professionals should follow the idea of “what gets measured, gets improved.” By tracking the Impressions metric, you’ll be able to identify if there’s a need to invest more in targeted advertising or a need to revamp the ads to make them more appealing.

Keep in mind, you won’t get Calls that turn into Clients if you can’t first convert Views into Clicks.

2. Clicks

accountant marketing

Another marketing metric that you should track is Clicks. This measures the number of times a digital ad has been clicked. Generally, the count may include even those users who clicked on your promotional content, but weren’t able to reach your landing page or website.

Clicks are best tracked on a dedicated analytics platform such as Google Analytics or ClickFunnels. This way, you will be able to more accurately account the total click traffic to your landing page or website from multiple ad accounts. Website providers like Squarespace and Wix also have their own analytics platforms.

Accounting firm websites with multiple pages which offers too many options can overwhelm dream potential clients. 

It has been proven by experience of countless digital marketers that keeping a person focused on performing a single action such as purchasing one product or service at a time is more effective than outright presenting too many choices. 

Here are some snapshots of our own ClickFunnels dashboard. When tracking Clicks, what we want to focus on is “Page Views.” This parameter most effectively reflects the total number of times someone clicked on your digital ads and were able to reach your funnel landing page. If you don’t have a ClickFunnels account yet, click here to register.

Another impressively helpful parameter that you can find in ClickFunnels is called “Opt-Ins.” This is the number of people who took the time to show their interest in what you offer by giving you their contact information (usually their email address). If there’s a big difference between your Page Views and Opt-Ins, you might need to revamp how you present your services or product on your website or landing page.

NOTE: A good rule of thumb is that you should convert at least 1% of all traffic or views, into scheduled calls or email opt-ins for a free download. If you’re converting below 1%, you need to dig into why that is so. It could be that the traffic you’re driving to your accounting firms website is not relevant, your marketing isn’t compelling enough to get prospects to move forward, or your offer isn’t resonating with your audience.

If you need more resources or additional help about this, feel free to check out our YouTube Channel or drop a question in the Proactive Accountants Facebook Group. We help with this kind of stuff all the time.

3. Calls

The third marketing metric that you should monitor for your accounting firm is Calls. Tracking this one may require you to do some simple calculations, but it’s just a breeze with the right platform.

For this metric, Dream Firms use Acuity Scheduling. This platform will allows you to control your clients’ availability, organize their schedules, safekeep their information, and track their appointments with you. Click here to register for an Acuity Scheduling account for your firm. If you need a step-by-step tutorial to set it up and master using it in no time, consider trying our 3-Day Practice Ignitor Challenge.

Above, you’ll see snapshots of our Acuity Scheduling dashboard. To track Calls, we focus on the number of Scheduled appointments, minus the sum of both Cancelled and No Show numbers. 

To see how well you’re converting Clicks to Calls, you’ll probably need to set up a separate spreadsheet as an integrated tool for this doesn’t exist quite yet. (but will soon, as we are developing one specifically for the accounting industry, register for more information @ to stay in the loop!).

Make sure to match data with the same time stamps. The difference between Opt-Ins and Calls will tell you how many people you should reach out to for possible scheduled appointments.  

But, you don’t have to manually compute and analyze the difference between these important numbers on a regular basis. We teach our top clients inside of our Create Your Dream Firm program an advanced technique to automate computations with the right software. 

Taking the time to measure and track this metric will help you get more Calls on your calendar. It can mean a big loss if you don’t follow up on possible high-paying clients accounting, bookkeeping, or tax clients who are genuinely interested but for some reason did not move forward at that particular moment.

4. Clients

The fourth marketing metric that matters for your accounting firm is Clients. You should know how many clients you are picking up each month because they are the driving force for reaching your accounting firm’s growth goals. 

Tracking this metric forces you to evaluate your marketing and sales efforts. If you are not reaching your growth goals for your accounting firm, it’s easy to look at the Clients metric, which directly translates to revenue or money. However, always remember that no matter how well you track your Clients, you won’t achieve the success that you’re aiming for if you disregard the previously mentioned metrics.

By measuring the number of new clients that meet your dream client profile, you can easily prioritize putting additional resources to the areas those dream clients are originating from while cutting out the sources that do not produce results. But, you can only make these kinds of high-level decisions if you have the right metrics to base those decisions upon.

NOTE: Every firm is different, but generally speaking,  you should convert at least 20% of all new opportunities to clients that generate income. This may sound low to an accountant who’s used to only working with referral sources and having a much higher closing ratio due to the type of lead source. However, for brand new prospects, one out of every five is both realistic and attainable.

To Sum Things Up

The marketing metrics that matter in creating effective marketing strategies for your accounting firm are Views, Clicks, Calls, and Clients. As an accountant, it’s likely that you, of all people, can appreciate the need to track and measure important metrics like these. 

marketing metrics for accountants

Tracking Views tells you how you can improve your online presence in order to attract your target accounting, bookkeeping, or tax clients. 


Tracking Clicks lets you know how effective your content or advertising is at moving people to your accounting firms website or landing page.


Tracking Calls prompts shows you how effective your offer is at converting a click into an opportunity, and helps you with following up on those who opted in to learn more, but weren’t able to show up to the set appointments.

Finally, Tracking Clients allows you to easily prioritize the original lead sources for your most premium clients and drive more income for your accounting, bookkeeping, or tax firm.


You can’t earn your dream client’s business if they don’t see (VIEWS) what you can offer. If they do see you and CLICK, your website should be convincing enough to CONVERT those clicks into CALLS. With your most powerful free tool, your voice, where you can gain win the business of your dream CLIENT.


If everything is working up to this point but you’re still struggling to secure new clients, chances are you need to improve either your sales skills or systems. If you need help converting calls into clients, check out our sales bonanza video playlist on our Youtube Channel

Your primary value proposition as accounting, bookkeeping, and tax professionals should be “what gets measured, gets improved.” With the right tools and strategies in place, you’ll be blown away at how a data-driven approach will take your firm’s marketing to a level you never thought possible while gaining massive sales traction!

How to Track the Marketing Metrics That Matter For Your Accounting Firm

To track the marketing metrics that matter for your accounting firm, you will need several analytics dashboards such as what Google Ads, Google Analytics, Acuity Scheduling, and ClickFunnels offer. You should also set up a secure database for your firm’s clients.

Switching back and forth between several dashboards can be overwhelming and time-consuming. The great news is that we can help you build a custom dashboard that will let you efficiently track all these metrics at the same time. This way, you can win back your time and save money.

What Should You Do Now?

To effectively and efficiently market your accounting firm, you should learn how to measure your growth and success. Understand how marketing metrics can pinpoint problems with your marketing campaigns then fix them to get where you want to be. You should also make sure to set the bar for your growth goals higher. 

If you want to make more money, you primarily need to focus on three things: expanding your networks, having the right mindset, and improving your skill sets in the industry. With quality coaching and training, you can significantly improve your skill sets and produce more tangible results that can increase your value and worth.

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